NH Passes Voluntary Paid Family Medical Leave
New Hampshire has enacted a paid family medical leave insurance program called the Granite State Paid Family Leave Plan. The measure passed as part of the state budget, with the mandate that coverage be in place by Jan. 1, 2023.
Optional Participation
Permanent state employees must be covered at no cost; however, participation in the plan is completely voluntary for private employers. Employers with more than 50 employees who sponsor coverage will contract directly with the insurance carrier chosen by the state. Workers whose employers do not offer coverage may opt into the plan.
Tax Credit
Private employers may voluntarily fund part or all of the cost of coverage. The law allows a tax credit equal to 50% of premiums paid by the employer.

Qualifying Reasons for Leave
The plan provides wage replacement for leave taken for the following reasons:
- The birth of a child of the employee, or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or fostering, within the past 12 months;
- A serious health condition of a family member; or
- A qualifying military exigency, or to care for a service member with a serious injury or illness.

Compensation and Benefits
Workers receive 60% of their average weekly wage for a maximum of six weeks. Employers with 50 or more employees who sponsor leave must continue workersâ health insurance during leave and restore workers to their former jobs. Employers may require the leave to run concurrently with other leaves.